You will be relieved to learn that eggs sold in super markets are rarely fertilized, and so are not chicken embryos. This is why people who eat eggs can still consider themselves vegetarian. Eggs and other haploid gametes are qualitatively different from somatic cells.
My point about infanticide was that it historically has the same motivations as abortion, and abortion is largely a modernized substitute for it. I primarily alluded to past societies in this section, and not present ones. This argument also served to demonstrate many of the similarities between embryos and infants, such as their lack of self-awareness.
If a human embryo is alive, and it is, it must be a human, meaning a member of the species Homo Sapiens. You may be conflating “human” with “person” which is a distinction I don’t explore because I think it is irrelevant. A human embryo is simply a human at its earliest stage of development. Feel free to look at the textbook I linked in the article.
I have no idea what a “potential” human is or could be.